Now I have literally had these bumps for about a year and I was so insecure about it as I couldn't just pop them, like a normal spot. In the beginning, I didn't know what it was and I thought it was just acne on my forehead and my father had told me that it was jjust from my hormones, but I knew it wasn't that, so I did some research on what it was and how to get rid of it and I came to the conclusion that it was an overproduction of yeast and for me it came from eating too much cheese, so I cut out all dairy for 3 months and my skin completly cleared and I was happy, but then I ate pizza and my skin completly broke out into these flesh colored bumps and this happened just a week before I was about to go on holiday and I was absolutely devestated and I didn't know what to do. So I went to youtube and searched "how to clear tiny forehead bumps", and everyone started talking about this product called Nizoral, it was an anti-dandruff shampoo that was supposed to kill all the bacteria on my forehead and this retailed for about £10 in boots pharmacy, so I bought it and it worked after 10 days, it was honestly a miracle and I was so happy because clear skin=happy me. Therefore I definitely recommend this product to everyone who has what I had.
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